What every Ashtanga Practitioner should know
Ashtanga Yoga is an eight-limbed practice. The revealing and understanding of the limbs happens through the self enquiry and observation.
This is only possible through a regular and committed practice.
We invite you to embrace the following guidelines:
1. Come clean with a set of fresh clothes! Taking a refreshing shower before class is advised, symbolising the purity of your practice.
Practicing Yoga is like entering the pathway to the temple of your soul.
2. Cultivate a sattvic diet and avoid eating directly before class to nourish your body and mind harmoniously.
3. Honor the balance of rest and practice by dedicating one day a week as a sacred 'day-off' from your yoga routine.
4. Listen to your body's wisdom and refrain from practicing with a fever. When in doubt try a few surya namaskaras and closing sequence only.
It's wise to opt for a gentler sequences to avoid overheating when in fever.
5. If you have an injury, approach your practice with compassion and mindfulness.
Kindly inform the teacher and practice to focus on healing intentions.​
6. You can practice ashtanga during pregnancy, with gentle modifications, skipping the practice entirely in the first trimester
and following guidance from your teacher to modify the postures.
7. Female practitioners are encouraged to observe their cycle and take 1-3 days off from practice during the painful days of the cycle.
Honour the natural rhythms of your body.
8. All practitioners are encouraged to observe the cycles of the moon,
that influences our inner and outer worlds.
9. Prioritise personal hygiene by bringing your own mat and towel for the practice.
Mat storage is available for regular practitioners.
10. Spread the spirit of loving-kindness on and off your mat.